Thursday, July 19, 2012

Blog 22-Blogfolio

Concept Map:
NETS that correspond with this project are 1AB: To facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. Teachers promote, support, and model creating and innovative thinking and inventiveness to engage students in exploring real world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources. This concept map will definitely be used in the class. Concept maps can be done on any topic that can be broken down in to different topics and subtopics. Concept maps enhance the student’s learning by having another exposure to information that is being taught. I have never made a concept map on the computer. In my opinion, It is WAY better to do a concept map on the computer rather than the traditional way of on the white board or poster board. Different effects, shapes, or links that correspond to the lesson can be added to the concept map to make the project more visually pleasing and interesting.

NETS that correspond with this project are 5B: To engage in professional growth and leadership. Teachers exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of teaching infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of others. Using a webpage in my class will be a benefit to students and parents/guardians. Parents will like this website because it will keep them updated on what their child is doing that week in my classroom, find contact information, special services, and see any urgent posts on my home page. Students can benefit from the webpage by visiting the web resources page. The websites will enhance student learning and success by providing skills, games, and tutorials to reinforce material and promote student success. I liked really liked this project. It gave me the opportunity to expand my professional development so that I can build communication between my students and parents.
NETS that correspond with this project are 4C: To promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility. Teachers promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to use of technology and information. This could be used in a class by the teachers as well as students. Teachers can use it as an effective hook prior to starting a lesson. This will engage students to get them interested in the lesson. Students can use Voki to answer questions, as a daily blog, or as a journal. I like Voki because it can be used for a variety of ideas and individualized and manipulated to any enhance the character to match the topic.
Introduction video:
NETS that correspond with this project are 3C: To model digital-age work and learning. Teachers communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital age media and formats. Students could use this in my classroom to make introduction videos.  I liked this video because it can be very effective in the classroom for a number of reasons. The first benefit is to overcome anxiety, nervousness, or the fear of talking in front of other peers/administrators. This will give the students an opportunity to tape themselves and share it without having to talk in front of everyone. The second benefit is the student can do or redo the video as many times as he/she needs to get it how they want it. I would suggest they do it at least twice so they could view it and make any corrections in speech or speed before they share the video.
NETS that correspond with this project are 2a: To design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments. Teachers design or adapt relevant learning experiences to incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity. I could use this in my class for many of different projects. Some projects include research on a topic, to tell about a special event, or to tell about oneself and interests. I like this project because for the most part there is no right or wrong way to do it. Students can customize it to their particular interest, song choice, and pictures. Transitions and fonts can also be characterized to fit the specific project.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Blog 21-Web 2.0 Educational Sites

A free power point system that is non-linear. You can create it how you want to and does not have to be in any specific order. The slide's flow instead of going strictly one way or the another.

Allows you to create you own website. This website is free and monitored. You have to be at least 13 to join unless the teacher/parent creates it. It is not technical and you can drag and drop elements to build your website. This way they can be easily arranged and re arranged.

This website is used to create and publish stories. You can view other people's stories and well as comment on them. When making a story, it has themes with pictures which can easily selected and dropped onto a page. Text is added by simply typing in the box given on the page. Before publishing, parents/guardians can review the story to make sure it is appropriate.

Symbaloo is a visual homepage website. The web page is customized by having different tab/links on the background. It is good for children because it limits them to use specific sites. It is also good for ELL because the tabs have pictures as well as words on the links.

This is similar to blogging, but you can choose different levels of blogging. The different levels of blogging depends on what it is going to be used for. Some different types that can be chosen are professional websites, education websites, and k-12 websites. All created websites are monitored through Wikispaces.

This website is similar to Wikispaces. One of the only differences are the way it is organized. It uses picture navigation that appears to be more "friendly" to use.In the space, you can set up a linked blog in which all students can contribute and collaborate.

Comic or character creator in which students can have a journal of their every day lives. This helps teachers see what is going on outside the classroom so teachers can help the students inside of the classroom.

This is like facebook and blackboard combined. Students can view grades, vote, check when an assignment is due, get alerts from the teacher, ask questions and get answers, turn in assignments, and post pictures. This website is free. Teachers can create a classroom, add students, and have parents view if they would like. The website is completely secured and controlled by the teacher.

Story Jumper:
Students create website through the parents web address. As students create stories, they can add their own pictures, music, and words. The artwork is in a lot more detail than story bird. However, everything they do the parents know about through an email is sent to the parent after editing is done. Their story can as well be shared with family and friends or printed.

My favorite website is BitStrips. Some of the other story telling websites are very kid friendly, but the pictures are very limited. This means in some cases the stories may have to be changed to match the pictures.This website is very creative in letting the students have complete control over how the pictures look by being able to edit every aspect of the picture.  This website is very kid friendly and easy to use.                                                                                                  

Blog 20-Class Website

Blog 19- Ali Carr-Chellman: Gaming to re-engage boys

This video starts stating different statistics between boys and girls. The difference between boys and girls academic status were shocking! The main reason that boys are at the disadvantage, according to this video, is because the school systems are not letting boys be boys. For instance, with the no tolerance in the video, they cannot write about tornadoes destroying villages, play with toy guns, or “games."

The video says that there is not enough male teachers/role models. Originally I thought "Male role models? This is not going to make a big impact on the students academics." As I was  thinking about this subject over the last few days I have concluded male role models can make all the difference in a little boys academics! The schools and classrooms do not have enough male teachers. Schools and after school programs such as YMCA need more male mentors to guide and understand boys in some ways that lady teachers can not.

While this video has a lot of good and bad points, one thing is for certain: that something must change. Whether it be through gaming, different learning styles, or different type of school environment, boys need to be in an environment in which they can succeed academically.

Blog 18- Diigo

Diigo is a browser add-on that improves your research productivity. As you browse on the internet looking through numerous pages you may “bookmark” a specific page that interest you that you want to view at a later time. Well what if there is only a specific part of the page you like?  Have you ever said “I know the information I liked is on this page!” and search for it forever to find it!!?  Well using Diigo you can highlight portions of the web pages that interest you. You can also add stick notes to specific parts of the web pages too add thoughts and ideas on the specific material. These highlights and sticky notes are persistent and ALWAYS are there when you return to the original web page!
Another cool feature Diigo has is “tagging.” You can save specific web pages online and Diigo can help you find rich/quality content on the specific subject that you are interested in with less time than  looking through all the differnt websites on regular browser of the internet!

Blog 17- Animoto

Animoto is a website that can be used for both teachers and students. Animoto is used to view and find videos already made or to make your own personal videos!  Things can be added when making your own video include: include pictures, music, and text. There is a LOT of cool visual effects that can be used to interest and engage students on different topics. Students or teachers can purchase Animoto for free, however, it can only be a 30 second video with limited music/tracks. For only $3 a month, teachers can upgrade to the plus version. This includes full length videos, more music options, and downloadable video features.
Here is a video I found for FREE. This was not made by me:

Monday, July 2, 2012

Blog 16-Flipped Classrooms

                While the article Flipped Classrooms Are Here to Stay was very interesting and had a lot of good points, I wasn’t completely sold on the idea of flipping my ELEMENTARY classroom. This may would work better for a college class, but in elementary classroom I would prefer the traditional based classroom.
                The article says there are lots of benefits. Two that did not flatter me was it was good for tech savvy students and from keeping to have to re-teach lessons. You can teach a lesson and incorporate technology without having to have the students watch the whole lecture in their own time. Yes you can rewind or pause the tape as many times as they need to, but unlike the traditional approach some students do not come to class prepared to learn. This is just like teachers saying “Read chapter 3 to be prepared for the next class meeting!”  I’m willing to bet that more than half of those students do not read the chapter. While I am not in love with the idea of flipping the classroom I do see a few benefits. There is more time to answer questions, have one-on-one help, and bad behavior decreases.
The fact of the matter is the students are still the same students in many different classroom settings. Meaning being in a flipped classroom where there are more time for discussion and questions does not make students who are shy or not as interactive in the classroom suddenly become active.  However, I think through good classroom management that all of these benefits in the article can be reached. 

Blog 15-Technology

In the article Technology from The Chronicle of Philanthropy, all the historic games are being preserved in an archive in Austin, Texas and being put into a museum. It is a good idea to have for students as well as adults to see how technology and gaming has developed over the years. It has come a long way! It would be cool to reminisce on “the ole days” to remember a few of my favorite games like Spyro, Frogger, and Hercules (that is embarrassing I know!).
As video games are popular to the generation now because of it being so interactive and fun, this museum would be interesting for the specific group of the population who is really into technology and gaming. For the part of the population like me for example, I just have no interest in seeing a multimillion museum on gaming. I would be more interested in seeing a museum that was historic on the philosophers of education like Piaget. The museum could have some of the items and videos that were used in the philophers experiments on display. However, that is only my opinion and I know that the technology part of the population just said EWW really do you think that??! But yes, that is what I am into! This is just more my cup of tea.

Blog 14-Educator's Guide to Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats

While in today’s generation technology is more popular and continually growing faster than ever! There are so many benefits in teaching through technology in the classroom. With all the good, also comes the bad. As an educator, terms like cyber bulling, and cyber threats are everywhere. Everyone knows it isn’t good and shouldn’t be taught to students not do. However, this article Educator’s Guide to Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats was so eye opening!
This article was very informative, and I think that all educators should have a copy of this! It has all the terms defined and is very “reader friendly.” It was sad to see the true stories about students dying. No type of bulling should ever go that far! Parents, teachers, and administrators should cooperate together to do as much as they can to educate the students how proper internet behavior, but we cannot be there to hold their hand and stop them from doing everything they shouldn’t be doing.  Cyber bullying will happen no matter how much it is taught. However, you must teach it and the importance of it so the bulling may decrease. When it does happen proper actions need to happen to make sure it does not continue.

Blog 13- John Hunter's World Peace Game

I LOVED John Hunter’s video on World Peace. It was amazing to see the children so engaged and interactive with the game. He had it perfected and through many of the strategies had the students thinking on a higher level. Most students who get on this level is only through gifted programs, but why not all the students? This is an incredible way to teach a lesson, not on world peace, but on anything! The students had fun and worked together to accomplish a goal, but learned way more than they would have through a regular class lesson. I am really just blown away with his lesson. I hope that I can make as many lessons as engaging and at that level of higher level teaching in my classroom!

Blog 12- Safe Social Networking for K-12 Schools

I liked the idea of “safe” social networking. I believe it should be started in first grade in the classroom. What a better way to teach how to be safe on a social network such as Facebook or Twitter than to have a social network through the classroom? My niece has this and LOVES it! Don’t worry parents: No addresses, phone numbers, or real pictures of the child are used. Profile pictures are made through animations, characters, animals, or whatever the child is into and pages and fonts can be personalized to tailor the child’s interests. However, the only students in that social network are in their class! In fact, my niece even has assignments to update her “about me” and comment on 5 people’s wall. While the children have the privileges to go and write as the please, the teachers can monitor it all! That way if there is an incident it can be taken care of quickly. As you can tell, I really like safe networking. It is very beneficial in giving the children the opportunity to learn in a real setting without the dangers most parents are worried about.

Blog 11-Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship is the 9 themes of using technology appropriately. They include digital access, digital commerce, digital communication, digital literacy, digital etiquette, digital law, digital right and responsibilities, digital health and wellness, and digital security. All of these 9 items are essential for every person to know. If they are not taught in the classroom how will the population learn about them? Through their own mistakes or unfortunates? I like that REP (respect, educate, and protect) wants this to be taught to students as early and kindergarten! I agree! With technology being used every day, it is important for everyone to know and keep an eye out for the 9 ways to use the technology appropriately.

Blog 10-Children's Internet Protection Act

With the new CIPA deadline, says that teachers need to educate the online behavior and safety or the schools receiving E-rate funds may lose their discounts. Cyber bullying and internet safety is a growing concern that must be taught in the classrooms with technology the way it is in today’s generation. However, I do not agree with the schools blocking all the different websites while teaching it. If the students are going to learn how to properly use it, they must be given the freedom to be trusted not to do it, or there will be consequences. With school “blocks” on many sites, the students can’t get the bad sites, but it also blocks many of the good sites that are very resourceful and educational! With this new deadline comes another issue. More work on the teacher’s plate! With the schools at chance of losing their funding, it is without a doubt the school systems will have to implement it into the classrooms. But my question is how? Will it be added to the curriculum? Will the student’s be tested on it? What measures will be taken place to make sure it is really being taught efficiently?

Blog 9- A Future Full of Badges

In the article A Future Full of Badges is about universities using “open badges.” I think it is great for all students to use these programs to display accomplishments and work. We have TK20 in the teaching program where we upload lessons and papers to keep so when we get our jobs our bosses can see examples of our work from previous years. Many times on resumes for example we can write achievements or hours put into a workshop, but have no proof. With open badges you can have all of these items at your fingertips in seconds!
While I do like the idea of badges, I do see a few draw backs. We use TK20 to help us get a job, but there is really a small percentage that actually uses it for that real reason. Let’s be honest, most jobs are given by who you know! IF I do use it to get a job, do I really want my future boss to see one of my very first lessons I ever wrote? Will that actually benefit me? As an educator I have significantly grown since my first year in my teaching program and would not like old beliefs or lessons to hurt my chance of getting a job.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Blog 8-I Only Wanna Be With You

Blog 7-Voki

6 Kingdoms of Living Things Concept map

Six Kingdoms of Living Things

I.       Protista

A Protist is any organism that is not a plant, animal, or fungus. This includes all unicellular organisms lacking a definite cellular arrangement. These organisms are microscopic and are complex celled. Most types of Protists live in the water.

A.    Mold

B.    Algae

II.     Fungi

Fungi are multi cellular and make their own food. Unlike Plantae, the Fungi lack the chlorophyll necessary for photosynthesis. The great majority of fungi obtain their food from dead organic matter , however a small percent get their nutrition from living organisms such as parasites.

A.    Mushrooms

B.    Yeast

III.    Archaea

These organisms are unicellular. They have a variety of chemical tricks to live in the most extreme environments extreme environments. These organisms are different from the rest because they have no nucleus. Archaebacteria are non-pathogenic and live in and around all organisms without infecting them.

A.    Extreme Environments

1.    Extreme Heat

2.    Extreme Salt

B.    Require No oxygen

IV.    Plantae

Plantae is second largest kingdom. The plants in this kingdom are complex and multi cellular. Green plants have cell walls with cellulose and obtain most of their energy from sunlight (photosynthesis). This gives plants in this kingdom their nutrition as well as their green color.

A.    Flowering Plants

B.    Ferns

V.     Animalia

Animalia is the largest of the six kingdoms. Animals are a major group of multicellular organisms. All of the animals in this kingdom's body plan is developed through metamorphosis.

A.    Lion

B.    Shark

VI.    Bacteria

A.    Bacteria

B.    Viruses

Monday, June 18, 2012

Blog 5- A Vision of K-12 Students Today

     I really liked the video A Vision of K-12 Students Today. It was upbeat and straight to the reality of our students today. Technology is going to be a huge factor and all computer jobs are going to increase. However, teachers are not doing enough in the classroom using or teaching technology. Most teachers have not used a type of blogging system, meaning their students have not either. Being a new blogger, I know that this is true and blogging can have a lot of positive benefits.
    This most shocking statistics I saw was where the USA was ranked in the different subjects. Places like Finland are ranked high in most subjects. How Finland approaches school is completely different than how we do school in the USA. Teachers are very respected and ranked among or ahead of jobs like doctors and lawyers. Students go to school year round' and have shorter days. Classroom sizes are very small and there are many teachers in each class. With how USA is ranked, it makes me wonder if what we are doing in our school systems is holding our students back from their full potential.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Blog 4- Gamification

Gamification is an engaging dynamic using points, badges, or progress bars to engage or motivate students in the learning process. It could be used in any age and includes game like features to track success of students. This is very significant because it fosters student engagement helping students build connections, collaborate, and increase interest of course content.
Without a doubt, I would use this in my class. In my classroom we had an interactive smart board. The students loved it! This was the favored center for my kindergarten class to go to. Why? Because it was “fun.” The students had no idea that they were expanding their knowledge on a lesson learned that day or reinforcing what they learned earlier in the week. The small group of three loved the hands on, game like, and fun learning aspect the interactive smart boards.
I would have to do some thinking about how I would actually set up the gamification in my classroom. One downside to the gamification is children feeling frustrated or not liking their peers seeing where they are ranked. So many elements would have to be added to make sure all students’ needs are met and it will have positive results on the children.
Overall I think gamification is a wonderful opportunity for students to have positive attitude toward their work, increase motivation, and foster independent effort. With a few tweaks, I could set it up in my classroom so it would be effective and make the students have a rich experience.

Blog 3- Blogging

Blogging is a not-so-new trend that has been added to a type of scholarly activity that is being used by professors, universities, students, and people world around. I like that a blog can be shared and get immediate reaction, but it does not have to stop there. It can be added to a presentation or article to further share the information. There are many types of blogging besides just writing. It could be through YouTube, a podcaster, or With institutional reputations being largely created, many institutions are now making it a priority to develop, recognize, and encourage practices such as blogging.
Although blogging is only a week old idea for me, I have concluded it is a very good for all students to experience. Blogging may not give the the same accreditation that writing journals, books, producing online courses does, but it could have a positive effect on students. What I like best about blogging is everyone can do it! It could be done on almost anything including personal experiences, opinions, research data, interests, or news. Since writing is not the favored thing for students to do I would find blogging to be a fun alternative to have students expand on ideas or feelings on specific topics.

Blog 2-Why more schools aren't teching web literacy

Teaching web literacy may not be very common now, but will affect me as a future teacher. Since Mississippi is one of the 46 states to follow the new Common Core Standards, it will be required for me to teach students how to manage web-based information. Without foundational and working knowledge of information and web literacy, students will not be able to produce the critical thinking skills required to appropriately conduct research tasks required in Common Core.
The Web Literacy article says that research shows most students think that they know how to use the internet, but once given research topics have no clue how to appropriately use the search engines. Internet is such a huge resource in present times and it is important that even at an early age students are taught how to adequately use search engines. However, there are three pillars that the article presents in this article: Purposeful search, effective organization and collaboration, and sharing and making sense of information. Understanding these pillars will take students to new levels of ability when using any type of search engine.
I found Diigo to be very interesting. It is a starting point to teach students how to organize and collaborate while searching on the web. This bookmarking tool uses “tags” to organize sites and images from the web. What I liked best about Diigo was that it can follow the student from elementary to college and so on! This is wonderful to add resources on specific classes, topics, or even things on a specific major in college!
With the new Common Core standards and internet being a main source for research, it will be crucial for me to teach my children how to properly use the internet web addresses to find proper web sites, not to just pick the first website and look for the answer. Having a good foundational knowledge could take social medias such as Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+ and have a rich learning resource in result!

Monday, June 4, 2012


     Hi! I'm Caroline Macdonald and I'm 23 years old. My major is Elementary Education. I'm endorsing in math and reading. I'm entering my senior block semester of the teaching program and will be graduating in Spring 2013. After I graduate, I want to teach kindergarten. I was raised in Picayune and live there with my boyfriend, Keith, and his two children , Austin and Ashlyn. My whole world revolves around them, their activities (baseball, softball, and dance), my family, and school. When I'm not with my family I manage a tanning salon in Picayune-Sun City Super Tans. My hobby is competitive dance. I have danced with my academy for 20 years. I also danced from 9th grade through my sophomore year of college.