Monday, June 25, 2012

6 Kingdoms of Living Things Concept map

Six Kingdoms of Living Things

I.       Protista

A Protist is any organism that is not a plant, animal, or fungus. This includes all unicellular organisms lacking a definite cellular arrangement. These organisms are microscopic and are complex celled. Most types of Protists live in the water.

A.    Mold

B.    Algae

II.     Fungi

Fungi are multi cellular and make their own food. Unlike Plantae, the Fungi lack the chlorophyll necessary for photosynthesis. The great majority of fungi obtain their food from dead organic matter , however a small percent get their nutrition from living organisms such as parasites.

A.    Mushrooms

B.    Yeast

III.    Archaea

These organisms are unicellular. They have a variety of chemical tricks to live in the most extreme environments extreme environments. These organisms are different from the rest because they have no nucleus. Archaebacteria are non-pathogenic and live in and around all organisms without infecting them.

A.    Extreme Environments

1.    Extreme Heat

2.    Extreme Salt

B.    Require No oxygen

IV.    Plantae

Plantae is second largest kingdom. The plants in this kingdom are complex and multi cellular. Green plants have cell walls with cellulose and obtain most of their energy from sunlight (photosynthesis). This gives plants in this kingdom their nutrition as well as their green color.

A.    Flowering Plants

B.    Ferns

V.     Animalia

Animalia is the largest of the six kingdoms. Animals are a major group of multicellular organisms. All of the animals in this kingdom's body plan is developed through metamorphosis.

A.    Lion

B.    Shark

VI.    Bacteria

A.    Bacteria

B.    Viruses


  1. Great representation of the kingdoms with the animals!! It was very attention getting, good job!

  2. I have to agree with Jeremy, this is a great representation of the different kingdoms. You will be able to build so many different lessons off of this concept map and the activities are endless!

  3. I love the concept map! The pictures would make it so easy for students to understand the different kingdoms. Great Work!
