Monday, July 2, 2012

Blog 10-Children's Internet Protection Act

With the new CIPA deadline, says that teachers need to educate the online behavior and safety or the schools receiving E-rate funds may lose their discounts. Cyber bullying and internet safety is a growing concern that must be taught in the classrooms with technology the way it is in today’s generation. However, I do not agree with the schools blocking all the different websites while teaching it. If the students are going to learn how to properly use it, they must be given the freedom to be trusted not to do it, or there will be consequences. With school “blocks” on many sites, the students can’t get the bad sites, but it also blocks many of the good sites that are very resourceful and educational! With this new deadline comes another issue. More work on the teacher’s plate! With the schools at chance of losing their funding, it is without a doubt the school systems will have to implement it into the classrooms. But my question is how? Will it be added to the curriculum? Will the student’s be tested on it? What measures will be taken place to make sure it is really being taught efficiently?

1 comment:

  1. There are always going to be drawbacks to putting up "blocks" I agree! If only someone would create a filter specifically for education!! Great job!
