Monday, July 2, 2012

Blog 14-Educator's Guide to Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats

While in today’s generation technology is more popular and continually growing faster than ever! There are so many benefits in teaching through technology in the classroom. With all the good, also comes the bad. As an educator, terms like cyber bulling, and cyber threats are everywhere. Everyone knows it isn’t good and shouldn’t be taught to students not do. However, this article Educator’s Guide to Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats was so eye opening!
This article was very informative, and I think that all educators should have a copy of this! It has all the terms defined and is very “reader friendly.” It was sad to see the true stories about students dying. No type of bulling should ever go that far! Parents, teachers, and administrators should cooperate together to do as much as they can to educate the students how proper internet behavior, but we cannot be there to hold their hand and stop them from doing everything they shouldn’t be doing.  Cyber bullying will happen no matter how much it is taught. However, you must teach it and the importance of it so the bulling may decrease. When it does happen proper actions need to happen to make sure it does not continue.

1 comment:

  1. You are definitely right about all educators having a copy of the reading. I bet that half of the educators in the world do not even know how serious cyberbullying and cyberthreats can be. This issue can affect a person detrimentally.
