Thursday, July 19, 2012

Blog 22-Blogfolio

Concept Map:
NETS that correspond with this project are 1AB: To facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. Teachers promote, support, and model creating and innovative thinking and inventiveness to engage students in exploring real world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources. This concept map will definitely be used in the class. Concept maps can be done on any topic that can be broken down in to different topics and subtopics. Concept maps enhance the student’s learning by having another exposure to information that is being taught. I have never made a concept map on the computer. In my opinion, It is WAY better to do a concept map on the computer rather than the traditional way of on the white board or poster board. Different effects, shapes, or links that correspond to the lesson can be added to the concept map to make the project more visually pleasing and interesting.

NETS that correspond with this project are 5B: To engage in professional growth and leadership. Teachers exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of teaching infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of others. Using a webpage in my class will be a benefit to students and parents/guardians. Parents will like this website because it will keep them updated on what their child is doing that week in my classroom, find contact information, special services, and see any urgent posts on my home page. Students can benefit from the webpage by visiting the web resources page. The websites will enhance student learning and success by providing skills, games, and tutorials to reinforce material and promote student success. I liked really liked this project. It gave me the opportunity to expand my professional development so that I can build communication between my students and parents.
NETS that correspond with this project are 4C: To promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility. Teachers promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to use of technology and information. This could be used in a class by the teachers as well as students. Teachers can use it as an effective hook prior to starting a lesson. This will engage students to get them interested in the lesson. Students can use Voki to answer questions, as a daily blog, or as a journal. I like Voki because it can be used for a variety of ideas and individualized and manipulated to any enhance the character to match the topic.
Introduction video:
NETS that correspond with this project are 3C: To model digital-age work and learning. Teachers communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital age media and formats. Students could use this in my classroom to make introduction videos.  I liked this video because it can be very effective in the classroom for a number of reasons. The first benefit is to overcome anxiety, nervousness, or the fear of talking in front of other peers/administrators. This will give the students an opportunity to tape themselves and share it without having to talk in front of everyone. The second benefit is the student can do or redo the video as many times as he/she needs to get it how they want it. I would suggest they do it at least twice so they could view it and make any corrections in speech or speed before they share the video.
NETS that correspond with this project are 2a: To design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments. Teachers design or adapt relevant learning experiences to incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity. I could use this in my class for many of different projects. Some projects include research on a topic, to tell about a special event, or to tell about oneself and interests. I like this project because for the most part there is no right or wrong way to do it. Students can customize it to their particular interest, song choice, and pictures. Transitions and fonts can also be characterized to fit the specific project.

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