Monday, July 2, 2012

Blog 9- A Future Full of Badges

In the article A Future Full of Badges is about universities using “open badges.” I think it is great for all students to use these programs to display accomplishments and work. We have TK20 in the teaching program where we upload lessons and papers to keep so when we get our jobs our bosses can see examples of our work from previous years. Many times on resumes for example we can write achievements or hours put into a workshop, but have no proof. With open badges you can have all of these items at your fingertips in seconds!
While I do like the idea of badges, I do see a few draw backs. We use TK20 to help us get a job, but there is really a small percentage that actually uses it for that real reason. Let’s be honest, most jobs are given by who you know! IF I do use it to get a job, do I really want my future boss to see one of my very first lessons I ever wrote? Will that actually benefit me? As an educator I have significantly grown since my first year in my teaching program and would not like old beliefs or lessons to hurt my chance of getting a job.

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